Speech Oriented Computer System Handling

Abstract-- Our aim is to provide the computer with a natural
interface, including the ability to understand human speech. For this
purpose, we propose a way how to handle the Computer System with
voice command. At first, the user initiates a given command by his
voice through the microphone then the software of the proposed
system will take over to recognize the command. If the recognition is
succeeded or matched with one of the given voice command then it
will perform the operation according to speaker’s command. In our
proposed system we are going to use Microsoft Speech SDK for
voice recognition process and Voice-XML for creating the voice
grammar in the software part. It has the flexibility to work with the
speech of any user.
Keywords-- Dynamic Programming Algorithm, Hidden Markov
Model, Microphone, Microsoft speech SDK, Phonemes, Speech
recognition, Voice-XML.
ECENT years it has been seen that the improvements in
the quality and performance of speech-based human
machine interaction is steady. The next generation of speechbased
interface technology will enable easy to use automation
of new and existing communication services, making humanmachine
interaction more natural. For the disabled people the
absence of the data bases and diversity of the articulator
handicaps are major obstacles for the construction of reliable
speech recognition systems, which explains poverty of the
market in systems of speech recognition for disabled people
[1]. If a person finds it difficult or is not capable of handling
the mouse ports and the keyboard and if the keyboard or
mouse is faulty, there have to be other ways to handle the
operating system. “Speech” may act as one of them. There is a
growing demand for systems capable of handling Operating
System using only the voice commands given by a person.
And this paper represents a way how to control the OS by
using voice command [5].