Academic Web Wizard

Academic Web Wizard
         The future of the Academic web wizard has to be seen as one of continuous change, where the information that is stored is of increasing complexity and quantity.  The Academic web wizard is required to provide a useable and well managed interface for student, academic and administrator users to view and manipulate the data for which it is responsible.  For each it must allow the rapid formulation and resolution of queries related to the student information.  There is also a requirement for the system to interact with other information sources and required, both as an information source and as a consumer of related information during the resolution of queries.
Existing System:
         The future of the existing system has to be seen as one of continuous change, where the information that is stored is of increasing complexity and quantity.  The existing system is required to provide a useable and well managed interface for student, academic and administrator users to view and manipulate the data for which it is responsible.  For each it must allow the rapid formulation and resolution of queries related to the student information.  There is also a requirement for the system to interact with other information sources as required, both as an information source and as a consumer of related information during the resolution of queries.
Proposed System
         The system maintains personal information for each student registered at the university.  In the proposed system we can maintain the complete information regarding student educational details, personal details, and address details. The proposed system maintains two distinct categories of students with in the university Under Graduate Students and Post Graduate Students.  For each student the proposed system maintains the Module registration record, Credits records in the data base. Faculties are needed to interact into this system; various modules are assigned by the administration through this system only. Faculty enters student credits using this system interface. The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach.
The system is proposed to have the following modules:
     Administration, Students, faculties, Registration and Search
         Administrator is a super user who can register students as well as faculties, and approves the registration of students or faculty.  He can add new courses based on the program of study.  Different modules are added by administrator for different courses.
         User is a registered Student. A registered student can directly see ones personal information, registered modules, and marks details updated by faculties for different modules.
         A module is taught by a faculty in the university.  The major responsibility of a faculty is to give credits to students.  Based on the modules, faculties need to correct the exam papers and give results.
         The system has a process of registration.  Every user need to submit ones complete details in the form of registration.  Whenever a user registration is completed, automatically that user gets a user id and password.   
         Different kinds of search options are available to users as well as administrator.  A user can search for personal queries like student search, their personal information, results, modules they are registered for, and credit information. 

        Technologies               : ASP .Net and C# .Net
Database                       : MS-SQL Server 2005
IDE                                : Ms-Visual Studio .Net 2008
Processor                      : Pentium
RAM                              : 1GB