Indemnification Stratagem Directorate Scheme


Title: Indemnification Stratagem Directorate Scheme

        Indemnification Stratagem Directorate Scheme automates the management of insurance activities, which involves Defining Policies, Schemes, Policy Specifications, Policy Terms and Conditions, Policies registrations by the customers, Facilitates the   Premiums Flexi-Pay modes, Policy Bonus in Flexible periods
Existing System:

Before developing this application all activities done manually, then all the activities take more time and also take more manpower. Commission, interests, dues calculate manually, based on this manual problem sometimes calculate the wrong

Proposed System:

         Proposed system is a software application which avoids more manual hours that need to spend in record keeping and generating reports. This application keeps the data in a centralized way which is available to all the users simultaneously. It is very easy to manage historical data in database. No specific training is required for the Branch Managers, Agents and Customers to use this application. They can easily use the tool that decreases manual hours spending for normal things and hence increases the performance. As the data is centralized it is very easy to maintain the currently running projects with the company as well as future projects.

Study of the system:

To provide flexibility to the users, the interfaces have been developed that are accessible through a browser. The GUI’S at the top level have been categorized as
  1. Administrative user interface
  2. The operational or generic user interface

The ‘administrative user interface’ concentrates on the consistent information that is practically, part of the organizational activities and which needs proper authentication for the data collection. These interfaces help the administrators with all the transactional states like Data insertion, Data deletion and Date updation along with the extensive data search capabilities.

The ‘operational or generic user interface’ helps the end users of the system in transactions through the existing data and required services. The operational user interface also helps the ordinary users in managing their own information in a customized manner as per the included flexibilities.

Feasibility Study:

Feasibility Report:

Preliminary investigation examines project feasibility, the likelihood the system will be useful to the organization. The main objective of the feasibility study is to test the Technical, Operational and Economical feasibility for adding new modules and debugging old running system. All systems are feasible if they are given unlimited resources and infinite time. There are aspects in the feasibility study portion of the preliminary investigation:
  • Technical Feasibility
  • Operation Feasibility
  • Economical Feasibility

Technical Feasibility:
The technical issue usually raised during the feasibility stage of the investigation includes the following:
  • Does the necessary technology exist to do what is suggested?
  • Do the proposed equipments have the technical capacity to hold the data required to use the new system?
  • Will the proposed system provide adequate response to inquiries, regardless of the number or location of users?
  • Can the system be upgraded if developed?
  • Are there technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of access and data security?

Operational Feasibility:
Proposed projects are beneficial only if they can be turned out into information systems, which will meet the organization’s operating requirements. Operational feasibility aspects of the project are to be taken as an important part of the project implementation. Some of the important issues raised are to test the operational feasibility of a project includes the following: -
·       Is there sufficient support for the management from the users?
·       Will the system be used and work properly if it is being developed and implemented?
·       Will there be any resistance from the user that will undermine the possible application benefits?
This system is targeted to be in accordance with the above-mentioned issues. Beforehand, the management issues and user requirements have been taken into consideration. So there is no question of resistance from the users that can undermine the possible application benefits.
The well-planned design would ensure the optimal utilization of the computer resources and would help in the improvement of performance status.

Economic Feasibility:
A system can be developed technically and that will be used if installed must still be a good investment for the organization. In the economical feasibility, the development cost in creating the system is evaluated against the ultimate benefit derived from the new systems. Financial benefits must equal or exceed the costs. The system is economically feasible. It does not require any additional hardware or software. 

Functional Requirements:

Number of Modules

After careful analysis the system has been identified to have the following modules:

The system “Insurance” consists of 4 modules
1.   Chairman
2.   Manager
3.   Agent
4.   Customer

1. Chairman Module:-
The Chairman is the Super User of the System. The Chairman is responsible for the defining the Policies, Policies Terms and conditions, Policies Amounts, Face Amounts, Establishing the different branches, Registration of the Branch Managers. The Policies Definition includes the Policy Interest Rates, Policy Bonus Rates, Policy Bonus Period and Policy Term.The Chairman also defines the Policy Commission Rates for the Agents who involves in the Customer Policy Registration Process.

2. Manager Module:-
The Managers of the different branches recruits the Agents and also registration of customers. He is also responsible for   registration of Policies; calculate the premium amounts, interests, dues, bonus and also agent Commission. Bonus calculates based on the payment of premiums. The Manager also responsible for calculate the Agent Commission based on Agent performance.

3. Agents Module:-
         The main role of Agents is to registration of the Customers. Agents just like a mediator between Insurance system and Customers. Based on their performance they will get commission. These systems provide a facility to Agents like to visible their Commission and also their customer details.

4. Customer Module:-
The Customers are a main source of this system. Based on his interest and benefits, he takes a policy. Customers also take more than one policy based on their requirement. Here so many facilities are provided to the Customers, like their information visible on line, like premium dates, bonus dates, personal details, policy details.     

Software Requirements:-
·  Web Presentation                 :       HTML, CSS
·  Client – side Scripting           :       JavaScript
·  Programming Language                 :       Java
·  Web based Technologies       :       Servlets, JSP
·  Database Connectivity           :       JDBC
·  Java Version                         :       JDK1.5
·  Backend Database                :       Oracle 9i
·  Operating System                 :       Windows XP/2000/2003, LINUX
·  Web Server                                  :       Tomcat 5.5
·  Browser                               :       IE/Mozilla
Hardware Requirements(minimum):-
·       Pentium processor        :       233 MHZ
·       RAM Capacity               :       128MB
·       Hard Disk                    :       20GB
·       CD-ROM Drive              :       32 HZ
·       Keyboard                    :       108 Standard
·       Mouse                         :       Optical
·       Monitor                       :       15’’ Color Monitor