Financial Suit Axis

Financial Suit Axis

The Financial Suit Axis is an automated insurance facility for all walks of life. The root of the system starts from registration of the customer. This follows with a series of procedures like inspection and other verifications which ultimately end up with either registration or rejection. This system is enhancing the facilities provided to the customers by converting it into an automated and online system

Existing System
          Existing system is a semi automated system. Here the policy holder needs to apply for any claims he can able to approach the policy office manually. Here the policy holder applies for his insurance claims through paper and submit necessary documents in Xerox copies. The insurer can receive the claim application from the policy holder and stores the information in local system database like ms word, excel etc. To investigate a claim, the surveyor needs to collect the claim request through manually, and submit the claim process details also manually. It is a time delay process to solve more number of claim requests.

Proposed System
          The proposed system is fully automated system here the system need to maintain the centralized database to store the information. Existing system maintain the data in local database only. To share the data from this local database is tedious job. The RDBMS database like SQL Server can able to share the data to all users simultaneously. Policy holder can able to apply a claim request through this online system. The request directly received insurer, and send this request to surveyor directly. Here no need to sending Xerox copies as documents. The policy holder information is stored in centralized database which can be shared by all the users of this system. The time will be reduced while using the centralized database for data sharing.

The modules involved are Administrator, Insurer,      Surveyor,     Customer (Policy Holder), Reports, Search, Authentication

Module Description

1) Can Add Insurance details into the system (like Accident, Fire, General, etc., Fire Insurance in this case).
2) Can Add/Update the Insurer (insurance company) details into the system.
3) Can generate Reports based on Insurance type, Insurer, Surveyor, duration like Monthly & Yearly, etc.

1) Will receive the request claim from the Policy Holder for a particular Policy.
2) Will verify the uploaded documents and reviews the documents against the items damaged which are Covered and NOT Covered under the policy.
3) Assign the task to the Surveyor by sending the request details along with attached documents.
4) Should get the Comments of the Surveyor about the survey.
5) He/she can Accept/Reject/Modify the Insurance claim Amount along with necessary remarks.
6) Can update the status of the Insurance claim into the system.

1) Should able to Login to the system.
2) Should Receive the Claim Request details of the Policy Holder along with necessary documents attached.
3) Should able to send back the Comments about the Survey to the Insurer along with Survey Reports.

Policy Holder
1) Customer can register with the Site and login to the site.
2) Can update the details of Insurances has taken against the Assets (like House, Computer, Car, Vehicle, Goods, etc.)
3) Should make the Request for Insurance Claim along with necessary details.
4) Should upload the Police Complaint report as attachment for the Request.
5) Should able to check the Status of Request through online system.

          Various types of reports are generated by the system.
1.     Claims reports which are processed or not processed
2.     Accept/Reject Claims Reports
3.     Claims transactions like monthly, yearly etc.
          Search is a module which can be used by all the user of this requirement. Admin can able to search Insurer details, insurance type, surveyor details etc. Insurer can able to search the insurance information and documents of a policy holder while checking the claim request. Policy holder can able to search the status of request through the system interface for his claims.

Authentication is nothing but providing security to the system. Here every user must enter into the system throw login page.  The login page will restrict the UN authorized users.  A user must provide his credential like user Id and password for log into the system. For that the system maintains data for all users.  Whenever a user enters his user id and password, it checks in the database for user existence.  If the user is exists he can be treated as a valid user. Otherwise the request will throw back.

Software Specifications
Operating System        : Widows XP Professional or later
Data Base                    : Microsoft SQL Server -2005 /2008
Web Technologies        : HTML, CSS, Asp. Net with C#.Net
IDE & Tools                 : Microsoft Visual Studio-2008

Hardware Specifications:
Processor                    : Pentium IV
RAM                            : 1 GB
Hard Disk                     : 40GB