Controlled Diary
This project is concerned
with the development of a system that is simple and easy to use yet a powerful
web application for sharing, managing and controlling enterprise documents on
intranet/internet in a secure manner. It enables to create a central repository
of organizational documents indexed by key words and organized by category.
Internet based Document Management System provides a document library with
secure access control, advanced search features and document-centric
collaboration for document sharing and supporting project teams
The existing system
is required to provide a useable and well managed interface for users, and
administrator users to view and manipulate the data for which it is
responsible. For each it must allow the
rapid formulation and resolution of queries related to the user
information. There is also a requirement
for the system to interact with other information sources as required, both as
an information source and as a consumer of related information during the
resolution of queries. There is no Uploading and Downloading facilities for any
documents, every document can be shared with others either paper or memory
development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to
automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration
approach. User Friendliness is provided in the application with various
controls provided by system Rich User Interface. The system makes the overall
project management much easier and flexible. It can be accessed over the
Intranet. The user information can be stored in centralized database which can
be maintained by the system. This can give the good security for user
information because data is not in client machine. Authentication is provided
for this application only registered parties can access. There is no risk of
data management at any level while the project development is under process. A
user can directly upload and download files into the system, the documents can
be stored in the centralized Database.
The following modules are available in the
system – Administration, Registration,
Employee or Users, Search, Reports, Authentication
Administrator is
treated as a super user in this system. Admin can prepare course curriculum,
along with course content by the help of the faculties. He can collect the
course video’s and stored into in the centralized database.
The system has a
process of registration. Every user or
employee information needs to submit his complete details in the form of
registration by the administration.
Whenever a employee or user registration completed automatically
employee or user can get a user id and password. By using that user id and password employee
or user can log into the system.
Or Users
By using user name
and password the employee can login into system. After login into the system he can perform
the following activities.
Documents: Here employee performs uploads, downloads, giving permissions to the
documents, view downloaded documents details.
Account Information: Employee can change his account information like change
password, contact details, and address details of his own.
Admin had privileges
to generate different kind of reports.
These reports are used to take decision making of the management in
different scenarios. The reports can be Employee Report Request, Document
In this module Admin
can search the information about the documents, users.
Software Requirements
System : Windows XP
or later
Server : Microsoft SQL Server-2005 /2008
Tools : Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2008
User Interface : Asp.Net with Ajax
Behind : C#.Net
Processor : Pentium IV
1 GB
Hard Disk : 40 GB