Netpod project’s


                           Netpod project’s main aim is to provide an Internet based client application for sharing of files among the departments of a company. An Intranet-based solution becomes feasible when the departments of a company are distributed in such a way that connecting them using a dedicated LAN. An intranet based solution’s feasibility is unquestionable as authorization can be provided for the secure access of information by asking the user for username and password and the ease of connecting a computer to the internet makes the solution simple and efficient.


Chapter 1                   INTRODUCTION
Chapter 2                   PROBLEM DEFINITION
 2.1 Problem Statement
 2.2 Problem Description
 2.3 Need and objective                                
Chapter 3                   FEASIBILITY STUDY         
3.1   Economic Feasibility
3.2   Technical Feasibility
3.3  Operational Feasibility
Chapter 4                   SYSTEM REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS
 4.1 Existing System
 4.2 Proposed System
 4.3 product features and objective
Chapter 5                   SOFTWARE DESIGN
                                                5.1 UML Diagrams
5.1.1 Class Diagram
5.1.2 Use Case Diagram

                          5.2 DATA FLOW Diagrams
                                    5.2.1 Level 0 DFD
                                    5.2.2 Level 1 DFD
                                    5.2.3 Level 2 DFD
Chapter 6                   SYSTEM SPECIFICATION
                                                6.1 Hardware Requirements
                                                6.2 Software Requirements
Chapter 7                   SYSTEM TESTING

Chapter 8                   SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION
                                                8.1 project implementation screens
Chapter 9                   CONCLUSIONS
                                                 9.1 Conclusion
                                                 9.2 Limitations and future Objectives
Chapter 10                 REFERENCES



  Chapter 1

1. Introduction

              Netpod project’s main aim is to provide an Intranet based client application for sharing of files among the departments of a company. An Intranet-based solution becomes feasible when the departments of a company are distributed in such a way that connecting them using a dedicated LAN.

               File sharing is an important tool for the working of a company as required information has to be passed in order to manage the company’s functioning. Departments of a company are of no use unless they stay updated about the latest information about the company’s working.

An intranet based solution’s feasibility is unquestionable as authorization can be provided for the secure access of information by asking the user for username and password and the ease of connecting a computer to the internet makes the solution simple and efficient.

The client application must download all the files which the user is authorized to access on to the local computer. The application must also regularly spy the shared folder for changes. Changes include modifying, renaming, adding and deleting of files and folders. When any change occurs in the shared folder, the files on the server must be synchronized. The observed changes must also be saved on the files on the server.

The application must also provide support for group related operations. Creation and deletion of groups allow a user to create a user specific group where files can be shared among the members of the group.

Chapter – 2




2. Problem definition

2.1 Problem Statement:
                    Files like music files (e.g. MP3), movie files, take long time to get downloaded. They are not shared. Only one user can access the file at a time (i.e. a file for downloading).
                      1) Files are not shared.
                      2) Files like music, movie Takes Long time to be downloaded.
                      3) Only one user can access a file at a time.

  2.2 Problem Description:
                            If you’re in a company you want to share the files of others. At the same time the other member of company wants the same one which your going to access at that time it is not possible to share the same file simultaneously. This will cause the problem for both the members.
                            If we are downloading files of huge amount of data at that time it takes a lot of time to download that type of files. That is some what inconvenience to the user. Because the user want the data down load as quickly as possible.
                            It does not allow multi-users to share simultaneously. Only one user can access one file at a time. This will also causes a lot of problems who are going to access at same time.


2.3 Need & Objective:

           An intranet based solution’s feasibility is unquestionable as authorization can be provided for the secure access of information by asking the user for username and password and the ease of connecting a computer to the internet makes the solution simple and efficient.

          The application must also provide support for group related operations. Creation and deletion of groups allow a user to create a user specific group where files can be shared among the members of the group.

ü  Portability.
ü  To improve productivity.
ü  File sharing.
ü Security.

      Chapter – 3

Horizontal Scroll: FEASIBILITY STUDY




3.1.         introduction
         A Feasibility study is a test of the system proposal regarding to its work ability, impact on the Organization, ability to meet user needs, and effective use of resources. Thus when a new application is proposed, it normally goes through a feasibility study before it is approved for development.

             An important outcome of the preliminary investigation is the determination that the system requested is feasible.

             The Feasibility Study was conducted under these aspects.

3.2.         Technical Feasibility
       Technical Feasibility deals with hardware as well as software requirements. In the feasibility study scope was whether the wok for the project could be done with the current equipment and the existing software technology. The outcome of the study was positive. It was found that all software and hardware specification were available.
3.3.        Economic Feasibility
       Economic Feasibility is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a candidates system. More commonly known as Cots/benefit analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are accepted from a candidate system and compare them with costs.

          The economic feasibility study was feasible so that the project could be undertaken. Another question was whether the proposed system would be beneficial to make it cost effective. This project will provide the organization with saving of time. Thus this project is economically feasible.

3.4. Operational Feasibility
                  The purpose of the operational feasibility study was to determine whether the new system would be used if it is developed and implemented. Will there be resistance from the users that will undermine the possible application benefits? From the output of the meeting, that was help with the system user, it was found that all of them supported the development of the new system. The positive response from them encouraged us in the development of the new system.       of tiru

     Chapter – 4


4. System Analysis

4.1. Existing System:
             In existing system,
                           Files like music files (e.g. MP3), movie files, take long time to get downloaded. They are not shared. Only one user can access the file at a time (i.e. a file for downloading).
                      1) Files are not shared.
                      2) Files like music, movie Takes Long time to be downloaded.
                      3) Only one user can access a file at a time


1) Netpod is an intranet based file sharing direct application, which allows support for group’s creation and maintenance.
 2) It copies file to the users local system from which he logged on to the network.
 3) The application also acts like a spy which observes all copied files for changes and responds to any change by saving the changes to the respective files located on the server.

                    Features of Netpod project are as follows
1. Organized:
      Netpod Client gives a logical set of files consisting of a user’s own files and his shared group files. The user can access them from any where.

2. Convenient:
     Netpod Client gives a convenient new way of storing, sharing and managing files. Files of a user arrive at his desktop irrespective of location.

3. Work Online:
       A user can work on his files online and synchronize automatically with all users with whom he wants to share his files.

4. Work Offline:
          A user can work offline when he does not have a net connection and his files will be synchronized with all other users the next time he connects to network.

5. Latest information:
         With Netpod client, every user will get a refreshed set of his own private files and shared group files.

6) Collaborative Environment:  
The user can create own user groups (also known as workspaces) and add members with whom he wants to do collaborative work. Any files stored in this workspace will reach all the members of the group instantly.

7) Comprehensive Information:
Normally, information needs to reach either a group of people or an individual. Netpod client does both the jobs giving the user total control on the reach of information.

8) Worry-Free Security:
In addition to user name and password, Netpod client uses 128 bit encryption to protect the transfer of all files and information

9) Increased mobility:
The use of Internet as the source of the files increases the mobility of the users. The user need not be in his office to have the information he wants. He can go anywhere he wants in the entire world. Netpod makes sure that the user’s files are always with him wherever he is. All that is required is a connection to the internet.

10) Keeping track of changes:
Netpod keeps track of the file ownership by versioning. If a file is edited by a user other than the owner of the files then Netpod creates another version of the file appending the name of the user to the file name. Thus integrity of the original file is saved and the changes made are tracked.

11) Increased bandwidth efficiency:
 Netpod client does not transfer whole files at a time. It only sends the file changes to the server. This improves the bandwidth usage and thus increases the efficiency of Netpod client.


    There are 4 modules in the project. They are as follows.
1.     Administrator
2.     User
3.     Uploading
4.     Downloading
5.     Setting.

1. Administrator

·        Grant Permission
Here the administrator has the privilege to grant the permission to perform the operations
·       Add or delete users
Here the administrator can add or delete the user.
·       Uploading
Here the administrator can upload the files on the server
·       Downloading
Here the administrator can download the file from the server

2.  User

·           Upload Download files.
 Here the user can Upload or down load the files on the server

·       Hide the file
The user can hide the file there by preventing other users to see the file
Modify the file
The user can modify the files which are in text document only.

 3. Uploading
Storing files at the server. Transforming the data from local system to other external system.
4. Downloading
Download the files from server to the existing system. Getting the data from external system to local system.
5.    Settings
         In this module user (owner of file) get user access control over the transforming data/ working file. The following things are few file oriented settings.
·       Change Password.
·       Hiding, read-only files.          .